How to be healthy and live long

The best tips for a long and healthy life

Several readers have told me that the column of Will we be immortal? is interesting, but that it would be good to have a synthesis of the concrete advice offered by this book to live a long time while enjoying excellent physical shape, given the size of the book and the chronicle. It’s done with these 10 healthy tips that can make a huge difference in your life if you apply them day after day, because there is nothing more powerful to building something than building it brick after brick, day in and day out. after day.

One day we turn around and contemplate in amazement the edifice of our life , made up of all these bricks, of all these days that we have accumulated. By taking care of our body and mind on a daily basis, every day we lay a brick in our building that becomes a long life that radiates health. Here are ten of his habits that are so many bricks to lay every day. Follow the longevity guide.

  • 10 tips for being healthy and living a long life
  • Limit red meat
  • Eat the right fats
  • Chew your food well
  • Eat fruits and vegetables every day
  • Drink tea
  • Say no to sugar
  • Eat anti-cancer
  • Exercise regularly
  • Add massages to your routine
  • Practice meditation

10 tips to live long, be healthy and stay that way


1 – Limit your consumption of red meat as much as possible

Red meat, even lean, is best avoided in all cases, as cattle are generally saturated with hormones and antibiotics used by factory farms , especially because it takes longer to raise a cow or a pig than a hen. In addition, this meat is often high in cholesterol, and there is a risk of infection by prions, due to mad cow disease.

At worst, eat organic red meat, but try to favor white meat and fish rich in EPA / DHA, especially salmon. Take the bio if you can.

2 – Choose good fats

That is, Omega 3 and Omega 6 rather than saturated fats and bad unsaturated fats

Focus on the following foods to get the right fats

The fish rich in EPA and DHA, including salmon (wild salmon contains more than farmed salmon) and having low levels of mercury

Oil olive extra-virgin (this last point is very important)

Of flax seed and linseed oil pressed naturally

of vegetables

the tofu

Lean meats, and in particular white meats ( chicken, turkey ). Obviously, it is preferable to select free-range poultry raised without hormones and without antibiotics.

And absolutely avoid fats and the following habits:

Saturated fats from fatty meats , butter, milk and other animal products.

Commercial cooking oils (always prefer extra virgin olive oil).

Hydrogenated fats in margarine or vegetable fats , and in almost all commercial baked goods.

From frying in deep fryer . It is best to sauté over high heat using extra virgin olive oil, and it is best to put water in a wok, add a small amount of oil, and cook for a short time at medium or moderate temperature.

3 – Chewing well is very important for our health

Indeed, swallowing too large pieces before they have been properly crushed, and mixed with saliva, forces the digestive tract to secrete larger amounts of powerful digestive enzymes, which can cause excess gas. and bloating, and over time damage the stomach. So take your time when you eat.

4 – Eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day

Here is the flagship advice given by the official program of the Ministry of Health, Manger Bouger , with good reason.

The benefits of eating fresh, natural, low starch vegetables are endless: they contain a myriad of valuable nutrients and fiber, and have a low glycemic index and calorie density. However, be careful not to overcook them: overcooking them will lose their vitamins, phytochemicals and other nutrients. The ideal is a light steaming , or consumption raw for some of them.

Be careful, these are 5 portions of fruit and vegetables: eating 3 radishes and two grapes will obviously not be enough! And it is quite possible to eat 10 portions: 5 is the minimum recommended. Tip: Rather than counting the number of fruits and vegetables you eat, which can be overwhelming, just consider making half of each meal consist of vegetables or fruit.

Remember to consume well-colored products: By eating a whole series of naturally colored vegetables, you get a whole series of vital nutrients.

You can also drink freshly squeezed vegetable juice: by putting fresh, natural and starchy vegetables in an electric juicer, you get one of the healthiest drinks around, low in calories, very rich in vitamins and minerals. The best vegetables for this are celery, cucumber, and fennel, and you can use small amounts of red or green leaves of romaine, endive, escarole, spinach, parsley, or kale. Avoid vegetables high in sugar like beets or carrots.

5 – drink tea instead of coffee

Many constituents of tea are good for your health. A recent study published in the journal of the American Hearth Association found that drinking two cups of tea per day reduced the risk of death from myocardial infarction by a remarkable 44% ( Tea consumption and mortality after acute myocardial infarction ). This finding applies to black tea and green tea, but not to herbal teas. Tea also contains L-threonine, which lowers cortisol levels and promotes relaxation.

The most beneficial tea is green tea , with additional antioxidants that lower the risk of heart disease or cancer. Always take your tea as is, without milk and / or sugar.

6 – greatly reduce your sugar consumption

A good diet for good health contains tr è s little sugar, it is now a certainty. When we eat a meal containing a lot of sugars, the blood glucose level rises quickly and the pancreas reacts by immediately secreting a lot of insulin , which regulates the glucose, in particular by helping to pass it into the cells. This keeps the blood glucose under control, but these temporary insulin spikes often exceed their target and bring the blood glucose level too low, which leads to an increased craving for sugars – a real vicious cycle!

Over time, continued abuse of this cycle causes cells in our body to develop a lower sensitivity to insulin . This insulin resistance is one of the main causes of metabolic syndrome , and can also lead to type 2 diabetes, which means that whatever the amount of insulin produced by the body, the blood glucose is always too high.

Many problems are caused by excessive blood glucose levels , such as inhibition of the immune system, promoting the growth of pathological cells such as fungal infections and cancer, competition with vitamin C which uses the same transport system, and who is thus hampered in its mission of fighting against infections and developing body tissues, etc.

Foods that are too high in sugar should therefore be avoided as much as possible and favor those with a low glycemic index.

7 – Eat Anticancer

Here are the recommendations from the authors of Will we be immortal? in order to prevent as much as possible the appearance of cancers, which are very similar to those of Dr. David Servan-Schreiber in Anticancer.


The 7 lifestyle habits to reduce the risk of cancer

Drink Vegetable Juice – Start your day with a 225-350 ml glass of freshly squeezed vegetable juice as part of your breakfast. Mix in the juice of a few cucumbers, broccoli, kale, cabbage, a carrot (but no more to avoid excess sugar) and other green vegetables. This will bring you almost half of your needs before you even leave your home. Of course, choose organic vegetables.

Adopt a Mediterranean diet in red meat and giving priority to whole grains, fish and fresh fruit and vegetables, has been associated with many benefits, including a reduced risk of cancer. The Mediterranean diet also calls for generous amounts of extra virgin olive oil, fresh tomatoes, tomato sauce, and cooked tomatoes.

Avoid the White Satan: White Sugar – Cancer cells eat this sugar very eagerly, and you can inhibit cancer formation by avoiding foods with high glycemic load.

Be physically active – Physical activity has been linked to a lower incidence of cancer, compared to a sedentary lifestyle. Adults should engage in moderate activity for a minimum of 150 minutes per week, obtained in any possible combination, with a minimum of 10 minutes per session. Children and adolescents should participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity for at least 60 minutes per day.

Avoid pesticides – Exposure to agricultural chemicals has been linked to many cancers. Farmers have an increased risk of stomach cancer by 40%, rectum by 50%, larynx by 40% and prostate by 40%. It is therefore important to eat organic foods.

Lose your excess weight – Being overweight or obese is an independent factor for various types of cancer.

Avoid tobacco – Sounds obvious, and it is. List of Cigarette Smoke Illnesses Reads Like Angel of Death’s Little Black Book. Smoking increases the risk of cancer in all the tissues that tobacco smoke affects at the level of its entry routes (lungs, mouth, throat, larynx), its exit routes (kidneys and bladder) and different places between these. tract (cervix, pancreas). Smoking also greatly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, including myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death, and stroke. And smoking significantly increases the risk of pulmonary problems like emphysema, asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), etc. And this is only an incomplete list! The authors therefore recommend that if you smoke, immediately start a smoking cessation program.

8 – exercise regularly

Here are the various benefits of practicing a regular sports activity:

  • Decreased risk of disease
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Increased strength of ligaments and tendons
  • Reduces stress and helps with healing and depression
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced risk of more types of cancer (including colon, prostate and breast)
  • Improved physical appearance
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Strengthening bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis
  • Increased energy

One study found that the overall death rate of a group that engaged in average physical activity was 60% lower than that of the sedentary control group.

It is best to practice aerobic physical activity (with oxygen) regularly . This accelerates the rhythm of your heart and your breathing, and increases air consumption. This type of activity includes sports such as walking, swimming, cycling, rowing and cross-country skiing . A key aspect of this type of activity is that it involves at least 20 minutes of continuous, rhythmic effort from the most important muscles, in all parts of the body. Although our heart also benefits from the significant but brief effort required in certain sports such as tennis or basketball, these are not optimal forms of aerobic physical activity.

9 – massage and have a massage

Stress results in the stimulation of the adrenal cortex, which produces a hormone: cortisol. Cortisol causes a very large but temporary increase in energy, and a stimulation of the brain’s memory centers to work faster. Other hormones are secreted during stress, including adrenaline and norepinephrine.

These hormones are very powerful: they almost stop the digestive process, increase blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol levels, fibriogen levels, the rhythm of the heartbeat and breathing. This mechanism exists to counter a sudden physical danger. It is still useful from time to time, but its continued activation is a major contributor to several unhealthy conditions and diseases. These hormones can cause heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, depression and accelerated aging.

There are many ways to deal with stress, and massage is one that is probably not used enough in our society.

Receiving massages brings many recognized positive effects:

  • Soothes and calms
  • Relieves pain
  • Improve sleep
  • Increase respiratory capacity
  • Improves digestion and reduces constipation
  • Increases blood and lymphatic circulation, resulting in better oxygenation and better elimination of toxins
  • Improves skin health
  • Increases awareness of one’s emotions
  • Increases self-esteem and self-worth
  • Contributes to open-mindedness and resistance to stress

You can indulge yourself by offering yourself the services of professional masseurs, and obviously do this “as an amateur” with your spouse. You can even practice self-massage: for example, massage your shoulders by reaching for the shoulder blades with your fingers, and yawn while you are doing this massage. This little self-massage that can be done in any circumstance is very relaxing. It will allow you to relax easily in almost any situation.

If you massage or have an amateur massage, don’t forget the massage oil , which makes all the difference between amateurs and discerning amateurs 😉. You can also do self-massages with massage oil: to go further, read 50 self-massages with essential oils .

10 – Meditate regularly

Another royal way to fight stress is meditation. As I indicate in my column of The Art of Meditation , many scientific studies – like this one (Harvard University), this one (University of Montreal) (see also the lectures of the Mind & Life Institute or all of these other studies ) – have discovered or proven many benefits to the practice of meditation , such as:

  • A considerable reduction in stress
  • A reduction in anxiety, tendency to anger, and depressive tendencies
  • A notable strengthening of the immune system
  • Reinforcement of positive emotions and attentional faculties
  • Decreased blood pressure in hypertensive people


If you manage to put these habits in place on a daily basis, the studies are clear: your chances of living a long , healthy, happy and relaxed life will be greatly improved , and your chances of dying prematurely from a serious disease such as cancer or cancer. heart disease will be greatly diminished. It’s up to you;). But above all, don’t forget: “Everything in moderation, including moderation”. If you fall from your horse, get back into the saddle right away. Many programs have been abandoned by discouraged people after a temporary failure. Get in the habit of making small gaps. As long as you have good nutrition for good health, the hard part will be done.

The 23 signs of good health

  • The skin and eyes are clear and shiny
  • Strong teeth, gums, nails and hair
  • Breath and body odor is not bad
  • Meals digest well – you have little or no gas, bloating, heartburn, etc.
  • You sleep soundly with few interruptions
  • When you wake up, you feel in good shape, with a good level of energy throughout the day
  • Bowel movements are regular and appear normal
  • The urine is clear
  • Wounds and bruises heal quickly
  • Joints and muscles flex easily
  • Blood pressure is within standards
  • Blood circulation is efficient
  • Your body temperature is constant
  • Little to no craving for certain types of food and drink
  • A healthy weight adapted to your height
  • You are rarely affected by colds, flu and other infections
  • Your thoughts are clear with good memory and good ability to concentrate
  • A uniform and balanced mood
  • Ability to tolerate stress well
  • Ability to perform simple and moderate exercises, such as walking, without great fatigue and severe shortness of breath
  • You have no significant bodily ailments for more than 2 weeks
  • No heart palpitation at rest
  • Your breath is clear and deep